Publication library

515 results
Transferability of engineering skills cover
Engineers Australia | September 2024

Transferability of engineering skills for the clean energy transition

This Engineers Australia and Mott MacDonald report examines the transferability of engineering skills for the clean energy transition, in the context of the crucial role engineers will play in ensuring Australia can respond with agility and innovation as it heads towards Net Zero.

Aqua background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | September 2024

National Energy Workforce Strategy submission

Engineers Australia is a strong supporter of the National Energy Workforce Strategy. This submission outlines Engineers Australia's comments and recommendations on the development of the national strategy.

Aqua background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | September 2024

Engineers Australia submission on the National Water Agreement – Principles Consultation

This submission builds on our previous submissions to the National Water Agreement – Outcomes and Objectives and the National Water Reform 2024 Inquiry, and provides our response to this consultation paper.

Grey background with EA logo at the top, title under in red text reading "Registration for professional engineers - an overview for student engineers" and "August 2024" in black text. Underneath is an image of two women in orange hi-vis vests and black trousers next to each other with their arms crossed facing the camera with red brackets framing them.
Engineers Australia | August 2024

Registration for professional engineers - an overview for student engineers

Our guide provides insights into the registration process for student engineers, outlining the key steps and requirements to support aspiring engineers in their professional journey.

2050 retrospective cover
Engineers Australia | August 2024

A 2050 retrospective: How Australia thrived in the global shift to clean, resilient energy systems

A vision of what life could look like in 2050 and the smart hard decisions that we need to make now. Heidi Lee MArch, Satya Tanner MIEAust CPEng and Steve Blume MAIE MAICD on the impact of three decades of change on the energy economy, energy sources, technologies and exports. Changes that were driven by energy and economic security concerns, and emissions reductions. And, how we build irresistible momentum through national coordination, kick-starting rapid technology deployment, reorientating market incentives and increasing community participation.  

Watch Satya and Heidi talk about the paper

Grey background with red title, reading 'The Australian Engineering Labour Market Overview',  in large red brakcets
August 2024

The Australian Engineering Labour Market Overview August 2024

This Australian Engineering Labour Market Update is designed to offer a comprehensive and contemporary snapshot of the engineering labour market in Australia and the factors which influence it.

Aqua background with document symbol
August 2024

Engineers Australia submission to National Skills Taxonomy discussion paper

Engineers Australia firmly supports the National Skills Taxonomy initiative, recognising its pivotal role in categorising and organising skills to provide a unified language for workers, employers, and education providers.

Carbon measurement fundamentals for engineers
Engineers Australia | August 2024

CSE carbon measurement fundamentals for engineers

This guide provides engineers with foundational knowledge on carbon measurement methods and considerations. 

Cover of the Excellence Awards Showcase
Engineers Australia | August 2024

Excellence Awards 2024 showcase

This interactive booklet showcases the Excellence Awards 2024 nominees. 

For more than a century, our Excellence Awards have brought the engineering community together to honour its greatest achievements. These are the people and projects that move us forward, and make us proud to call ourselves engineers. 

Cover image of publication
Engineers Australia | August 2024

New managed growth and needs-based funding

Engineers Australia’s response to the Department of Education’s implementation consultation papers. This submission focuses on ensuring the proposed funding models support the growth and sustainability of engineering education, which is crucial to meeting Australia's future skills needs.

Aqua background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2024

Engineers Australia annual plan 2024-2025

Engineers Australia's annual plan outlines the long-term outcomes we want to achieve and defines our critical work.
NCC Draft 2025 Engineers Australia submission
Engineers Australia | July 2024

NCC 2025 draft

This paper restates Engineers Australia’s submission to the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) in response to their National Construction Code (NCC) 2025 Public Comment Draft made via the ABCB’s online form on 1 July 2024.

Aqua background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2024

How to volunteer at Engineers Australia

Volunteers are at the heart of Engineers Australia as the peak body and voice of the profession. Without their skills, passion, personal qualities and gracious professionalism, we couldn’t deliver the range of projects and activities that we do. Explore the ways you can get involved. 

Grey background with red title, reading 'Review into design and building practitioners Act 2020',  in large red brakcets
Engineers Australia | July 2024

Submission on the review into the Design Building Practitioners Act 2020

This submission addresses the Terms of Reference requiring the Public Accounts Committee to determine whether the policy objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of the Act remain effective for securing those objectives.

Grey with navy document symbol
July 2024

Submission to National Urban Policy consultation by Engineers Australia and IPWEA

Engineers Australia and the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) joint submission to the National Urban Policy.

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2024

Fire Systems Engineering

Fire systems engineering deals with defining the scope and hazard level of fire systems of buildings, interpreting detailed fire service requirements, evaluating and applying current technologies and components to ensure building code compliance. 


Only applicable for state registration Western Australia. Not available for Chartered or the National Engineering Register. 

Grey background with red title, reading 'transport and infrastructure net zero consultation road map',  in large red brakcets
Engineers Australia | July 2024

Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Consultation Roadmap submission

This submission voices support for the proposed policy developments and general agreement with the anticipated net zero pathways. We present a diverse range of actions to maximise the opportunities presented by decarbonising the sector. Recommendations are summarised in our submission.

Enabling energy security cover
Engineers Australia | July 2024

Enabling energy security in a profoundly changing world

Neil Greet FIEAust CPEng EngExec NER reviews energy security in a profoundly changing world, including existential threats such as climate change, pandemics and geopolitical conflict, in the context of the climate and energy culture wars and the impact of new information technologies and disinformation. 

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