~ Hi! I’m not updating this site anymore. ~

Please visit my main site: www.MarekBennett.com
...for recent updates & current work! ~ Marek ~


MARCH 2014: We’re in the process of switching COMICS WORKSHOP over to our NEW location at www.marekbennett.com/comicsworkshop

This’ll keep things closer to other related projects at http://www.MarekBennett.com and help simplify things for hosts, students, social media, and website admins alike …

So we hope you’ll come FOLLOW Comics Workshop at that site, and continue to share our resources with teachers and comics fans!

(THIS site, ComicsWorkshop.wordpress.com, will remain as an archive of the past decade of posts, so all old links to it should still work.  However, we’ll no longer update materials here — newer versions will all appear at the http://www.MarekBennett.com site.)

Lisbon, NH: CLiF Residency

Here are some student comics from a recent CLiF residency for “Year of the Book” at Lisbon, NH; you’ll notice all our pages use the 3-panel “Scene-Action-Result” layout:


Of course we had our share of Read the rest of this entry »

La Hermandad: Mirando el Futuro / Looking at the Future

Children of coffee laborers at La Hermandad coffee plantation (San Ramon, Nicaragua) ask (and draw) the powerful question, “What do I want to be in the future?”


Here’s another project we’ve been working on at La HermandadCoffee Camp:

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Students are planning out their dreams for the future, and then

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COMICS WORKSHOP is on the road again in January 2014, this time in rural northern Nicaragua!

  Read the rest of this entry »

Constitutional Comics (by Melissa McHugh)

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Check out this cool comics interpretation of the preamble of the US Constitution, sent in by student teacher Melissa McHugh Read the rest of this entry »

CCS Professional Practices 2013

Well it’s that time of year again!   

Here are some links related to the 20 November COMICS WORKSHOP Professional Practices class @ CCS:




Sandwich, NH: Junior Historians Comics Camp

Our team of Junior Historians are hard at work drawing comics from local history topics & primary sources at Sandwich, NH this week.  Here are a couple of field trip sites we visited while researching our comics projects:

Our projects include comics drawn from the Weed Family Letters, Sandwich’s famous Niobe statue (and her fall from the Great Wall…), Native American activities in pre-Sandwich times, and the relationships of several “spinster” Sandwich women who worked in the mills at Lowell and maintained their financial & personal independence throughout their lives…

Stay tuned for comics at LIVE FREE AND DRAW! 

Open Studio + Workshops @ Hopkinton Town Library

Thanks to Hopkinton Town Library for hosting our Open Studio + Workshop day last weekend:


ABOVE: Participants of all ages worked Read the rest of this entry »

Friday @ Currier: MANGA POWER Comics Convention


We’re looking forward to this week’s COMICS CONVENTION at the Currier Art Center, featuring fresh original manga minis by Manchester-area artists!

Our manga takes shape this week with inspiration from the Currier’s special exhibit of Samurai weapons and armor, LETHAL BEAUTY:

Professional Practices @ Center for Cartoon Studies

Here are a few links to stories & ideas for today’s Professional Practices class at CCS; since we all have artwork to do, I’m focusing on audio links that you can listen to WHILE you draw:  Read the rest of this entry »

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