
Magenest is not just any technology provider, we are your Digital Transformation Strategic Partner, working with you as you make your journey into the digital arena.

    A tip for you today: There is a navigation button at the TOP LEFT!!!


Not all content is public. You have to sign in with google to see more stuff. Anyone can sign in. If you sign in, you'll get access to some content that is just hidden from robots. If I recognize you, I'll grant you access to more protected content.

When you sign in, google will share your name, email and profile picture with me. I won't share this data with others. I won't send you email except in reply to feedback.

If you have any questions, you can ask me. . Be sure to include an email address so I know where to send the reply.

Google OAuth2 Homepage

Accurately represents your app's identity: The Magenest Odoo ERP App is which is just a ERP website. It just lets you view content.

What will this app do with user data? The only user data received is: name, email and profile picture. These will be saved and re-displayed to the user. The email will be used to reply to messages sent by the user. The email will be used to identify the user. Some users will be granted access to additional content.

How does this app enhance user functionality? This app just contains static content. Some content is only displayed to signed in users. The only enhancement of functionality is access to additional content.

Link to Privacy Policy: Click here.

Describe the content, context, or connection to the app: The Magenest Odoo ERP App is just a ERP website. The intention is to educate and entertain.

Google OAuth2 Limited Use Disclosure

This app doesn't request restricted scopes, but if it did, the Magenest Odoo ERP App's use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Data auto-sync from Document module to Google Drive

Our Service allows you to sync all the data from the Document module to your Google Drive. Our Service offers the ability to hierarchical the users. This means that you can license and decide who can create and read the documents.

Document includes 3 layers. 

  • The first layer is the biggest one called the Big folder layer (or the F1 layer). 

  • The child layer (or the F2 layer) is the smaller one, which can be configured to display for the users who are licensed to read and adjust the contents inside. 

  • The last layer (or the F3 layer) includes single detailed files (such as Docs, Excel, PowerPoint, or #folder beta…). 

The right to read or change these files depends on the configuration of the father folder above. 

When you create 3 layer folders in the Document, this hierarchical folder will be created automatically in your Google Drive and the order of these folders will be arranged accordingly. There is a root folder (corresponding to the F1 layer folder). In the root folder, there are different sub-folders (corresponding to the F2 layer folders). And in these sub-folders, there will be single detailed files (corresponding to the F3 layer folders). All the rights to access, read and adjust these documents are created and configured in the Documents administration.

Keep in mind that only admins can create and configure the documents, and decide who can access, read and change the contents of the documents. Another note is that you can’t change the types of files from docs to excel or other types.

Data auto-sync from the Calendar module to Google Calendar

Our Service allows you to integrate Google Calendar with the Calendar module. This means our Service will automatically sync the data from the Calendar module to your Google Calendar. To do this, you need to login into your account. After that, follow the steps below:

  • On the top right corner, click on  Your Account/Preferences

  • Choose the language (Default: English), and timezone (Default: Asia/Ho Chi Minh). On the  Email Preferences   section, click on  Click Here to Start Google Calendar Integration  .

  • Then, you will be redirected to the Redirection section. Click on the  OK   button to confirm all the information you provide. Then, you will be redirected to Google to authorize access to your calendar.

  • A  Confirm your choices   popup will appear, click on the  Allow   button to activate Data auto-sync from the Calendar module to Google Calendar.

After you have connected your Google Calendar to Calendar module, each time you update an event on Calendar module, your Google Calendar will be automatically updated the exact same event with all the detailed information within it. 

After you add or modify the information in the Calendar, all the appropriate data will be automatically synced to your Google Calendar. The corresponding synchronized information is the name of the event, location, guests, descriptions, notifications, and the host of the event. Eventually, Google Calendar also displays who will attend the event and who refuses according to the data synced from Calendar.


If you have a copyright complaint, please tell me and include the url that contains the alleged content, identification of the work claimed to have been infringed including the name and reply email address of the copyright holder/representative, an assertion that the use of the material is not authorized and an assertion that you are the copyright holder/representative.

Privacy Policy

This is my private site. Aside from the feedback feature which is treated as private messages to myself, I am the only person who can enter data here. I don't directly collect any information from you other than your login info from google which is used to administer protected access to some of my content. Cookies are used for login purposes. No information is given to other parties, except this site does include google analytics which records anonymized browsing behavior. This site uses cookies as described below.

How does this application access, use, store, or share Google user data? The only user data received is: name, email and profile picture. These are accessed via OAuth2 login. These are stored in an unencrypted database. These are used only: to be re-displayed to the user, to reply to messages sent by the user, and as identification for granting access to additional content to the user. None of this data is shared with anyone.

By continuing to use this site, you accept this privacy policy in full. If you disagree with this policy, you must not use this site.


Cookies are short messages sent from your browser to websites you visit. This site uses cookies. By using this site you consent to the use of cookies.

This site uses cookies to identify who is logged in, and google analytics uses cookies to record anonymized browsing behavior.

Terms of Service

This site is designed for internal management. It's provided "as is", without any warranty or condition, express or implied or statutory.

By continuing to use this site, you accept these terms of service in full. If you disagree with these terms, you must not use this site.