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Editor's Choice

Depressive disorders in Chinese left-behind children and adolescents from Yunnan province: prevalence and association with self-harm behaviors

Authors: Hailiang Ran, Wei Chang, Chuanzhi Xu, Yusan Che, Die Fang, Lin Chen, Sifan Wang, Xuemeng Liang, Hao Sun, Junwei Peng, Qiongxian Li, Yuanyu Shi, Jin Lu & Yuanyuan Xiao 
Published on: 18 September 2024

Breaking Barriers for Gender and Health Equity Through Research

After the success of the 2022 Nature Conference on “Breaking Barriers for gender equity through research”, we continue our exploration of gender equity by putting the spotlight on gender and health equity.

This global virtual conference comprising a combination of keynote talks, fireside chats and panel discussions, will explore some of the key challenges at the intersection of the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 10 “Reduced inequalities", Goal 5 “Gender equality”, and Goal 3 “Good Health and Well-being”.

A key aspect of this conference will be breaking barriers and making connections across genders, between early and late careers, and between researchers, policymakers and health practitioners. The conference will also feature a mentorship programme.

September 10 - 11, 2024 | 2 days | Free virtual event

Link To Register


Call for papers

Health Impact Assessment

Health Impact Assessment

Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is defined by the World Health Organization as a practical approach used to judge the potential health effects of a policy, programme or project on a population, particularly on vulnerable or disadvantaged groups. With this Collection, Archives of Public Health aims to advance the use, dissemination and methodological rigour of HIA studies. The Collection in particular welcomes studies evaluating primary prevention policies, and studies focussing on the integration of health inequities/inequalities in the HIA framework. We welcome both applied and methodological manuscripts.

About the society

Society logoThe Belgian Association of Public Health (BAPH) is a scientific organisation of research groups and institutions, health workers and policy makers who are active in the field of public health. The aims of the association are:

  • to increase the knowledge in different domains of public health
  • and to stimulate public health research

We are recruiting!

Archives of Public Health is recruiting Section Editors. As the growth of the journal continues, we are looking to expand our editorial team.

Please follow the link below to find out more about the role and apply.

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Aims and scope

Archives of Public Health is a multi-speciality public health journal, dedicated to publishing sound science that has clear policy implications in the field of population health. The journal aims to better the health of populations by contributing to public health knowledge, enhancing the interaction between research, policy and practice, and stimulating population health monitoring and indicator development.
The journal particularly welcomes submissions on the following speciality topics:

  • Health information systems
  • Burden of disease methodology and applications
  • Health policy monitoring and evaluation, including health impact assessments
  • The social, structural and behavioural determinants of population health and health inequalities
  • Methodologies in population health research and knowledge translation

'Contributions to the literature' section

All papers submitted to Archives of Public Health must include a bulleted statement describing what the paper, if published, would add to the literature.

The statement should consist of three to five bullet points of no more than 100 words in total. Authors should not simply restate their findings or conclusions; the statement must contextualize the paper in the full public health literature and provide a succinct statement about what it adds. The statement will be useful in assessing priority for publication and, once having undergone peer review and acceptance with the manuscript, will be included at the beginning of the published article both in the HTML and PDF formats.

The statement should be in lay language and understandable to all readers, written for readers of moderate English literacy. The statement should be inserted immediately after the abstract within the manuscript file under the heading 'Contributions to the literature.' To view a published example, please see here

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Herman Van Oyen, Editor-in-Chief

Herman retired from his position as Scientific Director of the Directorate Epidemiology and public health at Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium. He still continues to teach Epidemiology at the University of Ghent. He first worked as a medical doctor in Haiti before going on to study public health, epidemiology and biostatistics at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health where he completed a DrPH. His key research interests include epidemiological methods, survey methodology, health inequality and summary measures of population health. He is author of more than 200 scientific publications, books and book chapters. 

Olivier Bruyère, Editor-in-Chief

Olivier is currently Professor of Clinical Epidemiology in the Department of Public Health Sciences and of Geriatric Rehabilitation in the Department of Rehabilitation and Sport Sciences at the University of Liège in Belgium.  He is also head of the Research Unit in Public Health, Epidemiology and Health Economics at this University.  Professor Bruyère is the Chief Executive Officer of the European Society on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis (ESCEO), President of the Belgian Ageing Muscle Society (BAMS), General Secretary of the Belgian Bone Club (BBC), member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) and is a member of the Group for the Respect of Ethics and Excellence in Sciences (GREES).  He also works as expert for the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES).  His main fields of interest are prevention, rehabilitation and pharmaco-epidemiology related to geriatric or rheumatic conditions.  He is Executive Editor of “Aging Clinical and Experimental Research”, Associate Editor of “BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders” and holds positions on the editorial board of various journals.  He is author of more than 250 international scientific publications and book chapters.

Brecht Brecht Devleesschauwer, Editor-in-Chief

Brecht is head of the Service Health information at Sciensano, and is appointed as visiting professor in Risk Analysis at Ghent University. He conducts policy-driven public health research in the domain of composite measures of population health and health inequalities. As a member of the World Health Organization Foodborne Disease Burden Epidemiology Reference Group (WHO/FERG), he contributed to the estimation of the global burden of foodborne disease. Currently, he is coordinating the Belgian National Burden of Disease Study, and chairing the European Burden of Disease Network. Brecht holds PhD degrees in Public Health and Veterinary Sciences, and MSc degrees in Biostatistics and Veterinary Medicine. He is author of more than 200 international scientific publications and book chapters.

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Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 3.2
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 3.3
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.203
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.967

    Speed 2023
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 10
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 153

    Usage 2023
    Downloads: 1,439,903
    Altmetric mentions: 1,398


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