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World Day of Migrants 2024
Every year, the Catholic Church joins in prayer and action to mark the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. This year’s theme is “God Walks with His People,” so the Jesuit Migration Network has created a campaign that invites you to walk with nine people as they tell their stories of migration, or working with migrants.

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Ignatian spirituality

Ignatian spirituality challenges us to encounter God in all things, witnessing to the joy of the Gospel. We go forth into the world as contemplatives in action, discerning God’s desire for our lives here, now, and acting on God’s invitation.

Jesuit education

Service and justice are key priorities of Jesuit education. Pedro Arrupe, a beloved Superior General of the Jesuits (from 1965 to 1983), said the principle objective of Jesuit education is to form “men and women for others, men and women who will not live for themselves but for God and his Christ.”

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