AFD BankFinder

Just one sort code error or one digit wrong in a credit card number results in rejected transactions and declined direct debit or standing order payments.

BankFinder® uses sophisticated checks to prevent these errors and highlight potential fraud while speeding up data entry.

Pannone Logo

There is potential for error in any human typing of bank account details. Client bank data has to find its way onto our systems, and we need to be sure that it is accurate before processes of authorisation, entry to accounting systems and fund transfers take place.

Heather Sanders

Pannone Financial Controller

The software is easily implemented on websites, in retail stores and call centres or on mobile devices. It’s valuable in many organisations including utilities, local government and charities.

BankFinder helps you deliver better customer service, sound financial administration, improved accuracy, lower rejection rates and lower costs.

Try It

Using the form below, enter a sort code and account number to confirm if they are a valid combination.

AFD BankFinder

Bank Account Validation

Easy to Integrate

AFD’s bank validation API can be flexibly deployed in a host of environments, installed, or hosted.
Plug-ins for popular platforms such as Magento, Shopify, Salesforce, D365 and AFD Robot provide a range of developer-free integrations.
Visit our Developer Area using the button below to find out more.

We use AFD's BankFinder solution online as part of the new member onboarding process. There are a number of reasons people drop out of the sign-up process which we monitor; luckily the bank validation software ensures payment details are not one of them.
Melissa Werry
Application Development & Support Manager
  • Bank, account and card details checked on entry
  • Makes sophisticated checks affordable to all organisations
  • Cut cost of delayed processing (up to £20 per delayed form)
  • Avoid losses from failed transactions and highlight potential fraud
  • Speed up collection of bank related data and improve customer service
  • Automatic weekly updates (requires Internet connection)
  • Manual monthly update option

AFD Software is an Authorised Distributor of the Extended Industry Sort Code Directory (EISCD), the data used to check the validity of bank sort codes.

AFD BankFinder is accredited by the Pay.UK Sort Code Validation Accreditation Scheme. This is an independent payment industry assurance of the data quality and integrity of BankFinder. Pay.UK operate the UK retail payments operations including BACS, Faster Payments and Cheques.

BankFinder data is updated weekly to meet payment industry best practice. Any BACS emergency updates are processed by AFD and distributed without charge within 24 hours.

Applying all updates is essential to proper verification and checking of bank data.

Updates include comprehensive data for all banks in the UK and Eire banking system. This includes postal address, FPS (Faster Payments Service), BACS (Bankers Automated Clearing Service), CHAPS (Clearing Houses Automated Payment System) and C&CCC (Cheque and Credit Clearing Company).

Type a sort code and BankFinder will provide full bank details. Then type the account number and BankFinder will “normalise” it and check that it relates to the bank details. Type in credit or debit card details and BankFinder will check the number is valid and return the card type for confirmation. For Building Society credit accounts requiring a Roll Number, BankFinder will prompt for and validate that too.

BankFinder will work out of the box with any Windows application. It also has a fully featured, easy to use Windows API. A UNIX version of BankFinder is available along with the versions for mobile devices and for use with Internet websites.

  • Integrate with “Paperless Direct Debit” systems
  • Enable quick, accurate completion of user payment details
  • Check account number validity for bank branch
  • Identify card type (e.g. Visa, AMEX, Maestro)
  • Normalise account numbers to 8 digits
  • Prompt for and validate Roll Numbers for Building Society credits that require them
  • Check sort code exists and is ‘live’
  • Identify and correct errors in bank details
  • Invisible Robot delivers bank details wherever postcodes or sort codes are typed
  • Reverse search from street & town, STD code, partial postcode or county
  • Advanced searches include ‘sounds like’, ‘ends with’ and wild card replacement of hard to read characters
  • Works with Windows 11 / 10
  • IBAN (International Bank Account Number) validation
  • FREE programmer’s toolkit enables seamless integration into many programs

Data is sourced directly from BACS and other sources. All address are verified against Royal Mail PAF

Bank Details

  • Bank Status (i.e. active)
  • Sort Code
  • Sort Code Suffix
  • Bank BIC
  • Branch BIC
  • Branch Name
  • Branch Title
  • Location
  • Owner Bank
  • Central Bank
  • Supervisory
  • Main Branch
  • Branch Type
  • Full Postal Address


  • Status (BACS, CHAPS £/€, C&CCC)
  • Last Change (BACS, CHAPS £/€, C&CCC)
  • Closed Clearing (BACS, CHAPS £&€, C&CCC)
  • Settlement Bank Detail (BACS, CHAPS £/€, C&CCC)
  • Redirected from / to (BACS)
  • Handling Bank (BACS)
  • Stream (BACS)
  • Transactions Allowed (check list) (BACS)
  • Account Numbered Flag (BACS)
  • DDI Voucher Required Flag (BACS)
  • Routing Bank (CHAPS)
  • Return (CHAPS)
  • Branch (CHAPS)
  • Debit Agency (C&CCC)
  • Return Indicator (C&CCC)

AFD BankFinder requires approx. 25 MB fixed disk space. BankFinder will run on Windows 11 / 10. Minimum 32 MB RAM recommended. The BankFinder API is also available for UNIX.

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We are here to help

We serve thousands of organisations and a network of hundreds of partners across multiple industry sectors, enabling them to have full confidence in their contact data.

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