How Prince's 'Purple Rain' brought R&B and funk to the masses in the 1980s
For Black History Month, we're going through the decades and discussing artists who shaped popular music.
For Black History Month, we're going through the decades and discussing artists who shaped popular music.
Loneliness is becoming an epidemic for people of all ages. To kick off 2025, Here & Now is looking at how people can forge connections in this era of loneliness.
A live production of NPR and WBUR Boston, in collaboration with public radio stations across the country, Here & Now reflects the fluid world of news as it’s happening in the middle of the day, with timely, smart and in-depth news, interviews and conversation. Co-hosted by award-winning journalists Robin Young, Scott Tong and Deepa Fernandes, the show’s daily lineup includes interviews with NPR reporters, as well as leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from across the U.S. and around the globe.
Mon – Fri: 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. ET
Mental health is important — so we're starting a regular conversation with experts covering the spectrum of emotional well-being