Journal of Medical Internet Research

The leading peer-reviewed journal for digital medicine and health and health care in the internet age. 


Gunther Eysenbach, MD, MPH, FACMI, Founding Editor and Publisher; Adjunct Professor, School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria, Canada

Impact Factor 5.8 CiteScore 14.4

The Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) is the pioneer open access eHealth journal, and is the flagship journal of JMIR Publications. It is a leading health services and digital health journal globally in terms of quality/visibility (Journal Impact Factor™ 5.8 (Clarivate, 2024)), ranking Q1 in both the 'Medical Informatics' and 'Health Care Sciences & Services' categories, and is also the largest journal in the field. The journal is ranked #1 on Google Scholar in the 'Medical Informatics' discipline. The journal focuses on emerging technologies, medical devices, apps, engineering, telehealth and informatics applications for patient education, prevention, population health and clinical care.

JMIR is indexed in all major literature indices including National Library of Medicine(NLM)/MEDLINE, Sherpa/Romeo, PubMed, PMCScopus, Psycinfo, Clarivate (which includes Web of Science (WoS)/ESCI/SCIE), EBSCO/EBSCO Essentials, DOAJ, GoOA and others. The Journal of Medical Internet Research received a CiteScore of 14.4, placing it in the 95th percentile (#7 of 138) as a Q1 journal in the field of Health Informatics. It is a selective journal complemented by almost 30 specialty JMIR sister journals, which have a broader scope, and which together receive over 10,000 submissions a year. 

As an open access journal, we are read by clinicians, allied health professionals, informal caregivers, and patients alike, and have (as with all JMIR journals) a focus on readable and applied science reporting the design and evaluation of health innovations and emerging technologies. We publish original research, viewpoints, and reviews (both literature reviews and medical device/technology/app reviews). Peer-review reports are portable across JMIR journals and papers can be transferred, so authors save time by not having to resubmit a paper to a different journal but can simply transfer it between journals. 

We are also a leader in participatory and open science approaches, and offer the option to publish new submissions immediately as preprints, which receive DOIs for immediate citation (eg, in grant proposals), and for open peer-review purposes. We also invite patients to participate (eg, as peer-reviewers) and have patient representatives on editorial boards.

As all JMIR journals, the journal encourages Open Science principles and strongly encourages publication of a protocol before data collection. Authors who have published a protocol in JMIR Research Protocols get a discount of 20% on the Article Processing Fee when publishing a subsequent results paper in any JMIR journal.

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Recent Articles

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Mobile Health (mhealth)

Regular physical activity is associated with improved quality of life in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), although much of the existing research is based on self-reported data. Wearable devices provide objective data on many rich physical activity dimensions including steps, duration, distance, and intensity. Little is known about how patients with IBDs engage in these varying dimensions of exercise and how it may influence their symptom and disease-specific patient-reported outcomes (PROs).

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Demographics of Users, Social & Digital Divide

Globally, drug-related deaths (DRDs) are increasing, posing a significant challenge. Scotland has the highest DRD rate in Europe and one of the highest globally. The Scottish Government launched the Digital Lifelines Scotland (DLS) program to increase the provision of digital technology in harm reduction services and other support services. Digital technology responses to DRDs can include education through digital platforms, improved access to treatment and support via telehealth and mobile apps, analysis of data to identify risk factors, and the use of digital tools for naloxone distribution. However, digital technology should be integrated into a comprehensive approach that increases access to services and addresses underlying causes. Digital transformation could enhance harm reduction service and support, but challenges must be addressed for successful implementation. The DLS program aims to enhance digital inclusion and improve health outcomes for people who use or are affected by drug use to reduce the risk of DRDs.

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Theme Issue 2024: 25 Years of Digital Health Excellence

Health care technologies have the ability to bridge or hinder equitable care. Advocates of digital mental health interventions (DMHIs) report that such technologies are poised to reduce the documented gross health care inequities that have plagued generations of people seeking care in the United States. This is due to a multitude of factors such as their potential to revolutionize access; mitigate logistical barriers to in-person mental health care; and leverage patient inputs to formulate tailored, responsive, and personalized experiences. Although we agree with the potential of DMHIs to advance health equity, we articulate several steps essential to mobilize and sustain meaningful forward progression in this endeavor, reflecting on decades of research and learnings drawn from multiple fields of expertise and real-world experience. First, DMHI manufacturers must build diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) processes into the full spectrum of product evolution itself (eg, product design, evidence generation) as well as into the fabric of internal company practices (eg, talent recruitment, communication principles, and advisory boards). Second, awareness of the DEIB efforts—or lack thereof—in DMHI research trials is needed to refine and optimize future study design for inclusivity as well as proactively address potential barriers to doing so. Trials should incorporate thoughtful, inclusive, and creative approaches to recruitment, enrollment, and measurement of social determinants of health and self-identity, as well as a prioritization of planned and exploratory analyses examining outcomes across various groups of people. Third, mental health care advocacy, research funding policies, and local and federal legislation can advance these pursuits, with directives from the US Preventive Services Taskforce, National Institutes of Health, and Food and Drug Administration applied as poignant examples. For products with artificial intelligence/machine learning, maintaining a “human in the loop” as well as prespecified and adaptive analytic frameworks to monitor and remediate potential algorithmic bias can reduce the risk of increasing inequity. Last, but certainly not least, is a call for partnership and transparency within and across ecosystems (academic, industry, payer, provider, regulatory agencies, and value-based care organizations) to reliably build health equity into real-world DMHI product deployments and evidence-generation strategies. All these considerations should also extend into the context of an equity-informed commercial strategy for DMHI manufacturers and health care organizations alike. The potential to advance health equity in innovation with DMHI is apparent. We advocate the field’s thoughtful and evergreen advancement in inclusivity, thereby redefining the mental health care experience for this generation and those to come.

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Digital Health Reviews

There are numerous mobile health (mHealth) interventions for treatment adherence and self-management; yet, little is known about user engagement or interaction with these technologies.

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Digital Health Reviews

Access to care is a major challenge for patients with musculoskeletal disorders (MSKDs). Telemedicine is one of the solutions to improve access to care. However, initial remote diagnosis of MSKDs involves some challenges, such as the impossibility of touching the patient during the physical examination, which makes it more complex to obtain a valid diagnosis. No meta-analysis has been performed to date to synthesize evidence regarding the initial assessment including a physical evaluation using telemedicine to diagnose patients with MSKDs.

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Artificial Intelligence

Evaluation of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in clinical trials remains the gold standard for translation into clinical settings. However, design factors associated with successful trial completion and the common reasons for trial failure are unknown.

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Demographics of Users, Social & Digital Divide

Globally, the increasing use of digital technologies such as mobile phones and the internet has allowed for the development of innovative mobile health interventions, particularly for reaching and engaging with youth. However, there is a risk that using such technologies may exclude those who lack access to them.

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Theme Issue 2024: 25 Years of Digital Health Excellence

As the global population ages, we witness a broad scientific and technological revolution tailored to meet the health challenges of older adults. Over the past 25 years, technological innovations, ranging from advanced medical devices to user-friendly mobile apps, are transforming the way we address these challenges, offering new avenues to enhance the quality of life and well-being of the aging demographic.

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Demographics of Users, Social & Digital Divide

In an aging and information-driven society, older adults have distinct perceptions of and specific demands for digital medical services. It is essential for society to understand these needs and develop a more thoughtful approach to digital health care.

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Clinical Information and Decision Making

International Classification of Diseases codes are widely used to describe diagnosis information, but manual coding relies heavily on human interpretation, which can be expensive, time consuming, and prone to errors. With the transition from the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, to the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10), the coding process has become more complex, highlighting the need for automated approaches to enhance coding efficiency and accuracy. Inaccurate coding can result in substantial financial losses for hospitals, and a precise assessment of outcomes generated by a natural language processing (NLP)–driven autocoding system thus assumes a critical role in safeguarding the accuracy of the Taiwan diagnosis related groups (Tw-DRGs).

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Infodemiology and Infoveillance

According to the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, polysubstance use among pregnant women is prevalent, with 38.2% of those who consume alcohol also engaging in the use of one or more additional substances. However, the underlying mechanisms, contexts, and experiences of polysubstance use are unclear. Organic information is abundant on social media such as X (formerly Twitter). Traditional quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as natural language processing techniques, can be jointly used to derive insights into public opinions, sentiments, and clinical and public health policy implications.

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Theme Issue 2024: 25 Years of Digital Health Excellence

Although efficacious psychotherapies exist, a limited number of mental health care providers and significant demand make their accessibility a fundamental problem. Clinical researchers, funders, and investors alike have converged on self-help digital mental health interventions (self-help DMHIs) as a low-cost, low-burden, and broadly scalable solution to the global mental health burden. Consequently, exorbitant financial and time-based resources have been invested in developing, testing, and disseminating these interventions. However, the public’s assumed desirability for self-help DMHIs by experts has largely proceeded without question. This commentary critically evaluates whether self-help DMHIs can, and will, reach their purported potential as a solution to the public burden of mental illness, with an emphasis on evaluating their real-world desirability. Our review finds that self-help DMHIs are often perceived as less desirable and credible than in-person treatments, with lower usage rates and, perhaps accordingly, clinical trials testing self-help DMHIs suffering from widespread recruitment challenges. We highlight two fundamental challenges that may be interfering with the desirability of, and engagement in, self-help DMHIs: (1) difficulty competing with technology companies that have advantages in resources, marketing, and user experience design (but may not be delivering evidence-based interventions) and (2) difficulty retaining (vs initially attracting) users. We discuss a range of potential solutions, including highlighting self-help DMHIs in public mental health awareness campaigns; public education about evidence-based interventions that can guide consumers to appropriate self-help DMHI selection; increased financial and expert support to clinical researchers for marketing, design, and user experience in self-help DMHI development; increased involvement of stakeholders in the design of self-help DMHIs; and investing in more research on ways to improve retention (versus initial engagement). We suggest that, through these efforts, self-help DMHIs may fully realize their promise for reducing the global burden of mental illness.


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