
Juggling the balls of life and parenthood

A COVID baby’s first day of school in Central PA

My husband and I are transplants to Central PA. We moved here almost thirteen years ago when he was offered a job to fly with Piedmont Airlines out of Harrisburg International Airport. Out of all the bases we could select from, Harrisburg seemed to be the best option for us.

If I could turn back time, what I’d do differently as a mom

Hindsight is a powerful thing. As I look back on my years as a single mom of elementary-aged kids, I realize there are so many things I’d do differently if given the chance. But I can’t go back, and that’s okay. I did the best I could with what I knew at the time. 

Youthful slang part 2: Let them “eat”

If you’ve read my blogs here before, it won’t surprise you to hear that our household has been captivated by the Olympic gymnastics competitions. We’ve been absolutely glued to the television for all of it.